I Declare Politico’s Attack On Herman Cain Racist: RWNIowa Cain Accuser Appears To Have Anti-Cain Agenda: Nice Deb
Herman Cain, Amazing Grace Under Fire: AT
They're Throwing Mud at Cain: AmSpec
Soros-Funded Vote-Fraud Deniers Hold Election Law Confab: Adams
Good News! Occupiers Cause 21 Layoffs: RWN
On MF: KrastingObama: Corzine 'is our Wall Street guy': JWF
FBI: You Know, Maybe We Should Investigate Corzine: Ace
Unleash the Entrepreneurs: City Journal
Obama’s Student Loan Gift to Occupy Wall Street: Foundry
'Public-School Teachers Overpaid, Study Finds': ProWis
Soros Trader Involved in Bankrupt Firm Tied to Obama: NoisyRm
Debt Increased $203 Billion in October alone: CNS
Corzine couldn’t sell MF -- there was $700M missing: Fausta
Occupy Oakland: Window smashing, vandalism; Teamsters in the house; port shut down; trucks overrun: MalkinMore ugly Occupy Oakland pictures that won’t make MSM front pages: Malkin
Photos of the Anti-Capitalist Revolution in Denver: LATL
Shock OWS Study: 'The Group is Very Liberal and Part of the Democratic Base': JWF
Confirmed: Scott Olsen’s Injuries Were Not Caused By Sheriff’s Deputies: GWP
Democratic Socialists of America Goes National For Occupy Wall Street: NoisyRm
Disturbing Photos from the “General Strike” in Oakland: VS
Occupy Oakland Protests Turn Violent: Mercury News
Protests shut Oakland port, tensions flare in streets: Vancouver Sun
Gunrunner & Energygate
“Solyndra Executive Bonuses Kept Coming in 2011″: ProWisDragged into Georgia Geriatric Terrorist Plot, courtesy of Gunwalker apologists at TPM (and apparently DOJ): SSI
"Georgia Geriatric Terror Gang" at their arraignment.: SSI
Climate & Energy
NASA on the Antarctic Crack: WUWTExpert: Global Warming Is Over: Express
Why the fall of Solyndra was expected: Element14
Nancy Pelosi House-keeping? You be the judge: WashExamTime Stands Still: Driscoll
Impressive Romney: PJM
What did Politico know and when did they know it?: ProWis
Time Magazine Writer: French Newspaper That Got Firebombed By Jihadists Deserved What It Got: Ace
Time Magazine to Firebombed French Paper: Sorry, But You're Islamophobic and Childish: NB
Benjamin Netanyahu seeks cabinet support for Israeli strike on Iran: TelegraphWhy Obama Believes He Can Tame the Islamists and Why He's Dead Wrong: Lid
Satirical French Newspaper Firebombed After Sharia Story: Spew
Game Over Berlusconi? Italian Anti-Crisis Bill Fails: ZH
Papandreou’s bailout referendum bombshell: has a broader German agenda inspired it?: The Slog
Cannes sheds its black tie image for G20 riot gear: Reuters
Web Security Expert Warns Of Cyber World War: SkyTop iPad Alternatives for Business: CIO
The End of an Era: Internet Explorer Drops Below 50 Percent of Web Usage: WebMonkey
Health News: McRibs Contain Same Ingredient As Shoe Soles: JWFSometimes you just have to eat your peas: MOTUS
The Latest in Terminator Tech: DefTech
Image: CTV
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Ohioans: Vote YES on ISSUE 2
QOTD: "I congratulate the FBI on their ability to sniff out and entrap old, feeble minded Georgia morons with dreams of terrorist grandeur. Now if they could just apply some of that industry to telling us the truth about the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, we'll all be better off." --Mike Vanderboegh, "Lazy journalist's guide to my reaction to the evil bad scary Georgia Geriatric Terrorist Plot."
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