Item 1: EPA sued over unenforced ozone standards
...In a suit filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, the environmental group [WildEarth Guardians] said the Clean Air Act requires the Environmental Protection Agency to adopt regulations by March 2010 requiring states to meet the new ozone levels... Because of the EPA's inaction, air quality is still measured by weaker standards enacted in 1997, the suit said.
...WildEarth Guardians has about 5,000 members, mostly in the Southwest, and is based in Santa Fe... The EPA did not respond to a request for comment on the suit.
Item 2: WildEarth Guardians Annual Report 2010 (PDF)
...WildEarth Guardians’ goal has been and continues to be simple: To help clean energy take root by exposing the true cost of fossil fuels.
• Filed lawsuits to overturn billions of tons of new coal mining in the nation’s largest coal producing region, the Powder River Basin of Wyoming.
• Brought pressure to bear against the region’s largest coal-fired power plants, including New Mexico’s San Juan Generating Station and Four Corners Power Plant, two of the largest coal-fired power plants in the American West.
• Applied pressure until Xcel Energy committed to retiring four coal-fired power plants in Colorado.
• Halted 41,000 acres of oil and gas drilling in Montana.
• Successfully pressured the Environmental Protection Agency to adopt the first-ever rules to limit greenhouse gas emissions from industrial sources of air pollution.
• Filed first-ever lawsuit challenging global warming impacts of coal mining in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin.
Item 3: Public Sources of Funding for WildEarth Guardians (PDF)
Major Contributors
make our work possible from January 1 - December 31, 2010.
City of Santa Fe
NM Enviromental Department
Santa Fe County
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Forest Service
Item 4: The Executive Summary
The federal government, already spending more than a trillion dollars every year that it doesn't have, is devoting substantial funds to groups like "WildEarth Guardians" so they can sue... the federal government.
Oh, but there's nothing to cut -- right, liberals?

The federal government already owns nearly a third of all land in the country. And these enemies of humanity want still more, so they can continue to kill hundreds of thousands of jobs and continue their mission to turn America into a centrally-planned, socialist-style, agrarian, third-world country.
Consider: the U.S. is the only country in the world that restricts access to its own vast treasure troves of energy.
If this kind of insanity doesn't make you scream in anger, then -- I'm sorry -- you're simply not paying attention.
2012 is coming. And it's high time we nuke these bureaucracies' budgets from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Related: Genocide in Green
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