
Stealing as Policy, from the Iron Curtain to Robert Byrd: Pacepa
House Judiciary asks for Elena Kagan documents: Politico
Bravest teacher in Wisconsin: LI
The Real Prison Industry: RWN
Anarchy in the U.S.A.: WS
Russia's Middle Finger for Hillary's Reset Button: PJM
Oops: POTUS unwittingly bans FBI/CAIR cooperation: JihadWatch
Male Nurse Files Lawsuit in Dearbornistan: Creeping
MF Global Indirectly Ruins The Futures Industry: P&FFDA Considers Mandatory Salt Reductions: Cato
Insight: Fidelity's expensive debt raises eyebrows: Yahoo!
Milton Friedman Responds To OWS Protestors : Carpe Diem
#OWS Celebrates Thanksgiving By Spitting On Cops: GWP
Leftist: 'Tea partiers out-organized Occupy Wall Street': Volpe
Gunrunner & Energygate
U.S. Seals Court Records Of Border Patrol’s Murder: JWGov. Rick Perry Has Come Out Swinging Against Obama and Fast and Furious: BigGovt
Obama's the Target of Mexico Gunrunning Probe: Hedgecock
Climate & Energy
Google Abandons “Renewable Energy Cheaper Than Coal” Project: VSGoing green gets the green: Surber
Eat Your Leftovers, Or The World Will Die: RWN
Decades Instead Of Centuries; Republicans Instead Of Conservatives: Camp o' the SaintsKatie Couric Excited Over The Prospect Of Ruining ABC News, Too: BigJourn
The Tea Party versus the Occupiers: Ricochet
“The Anti-Wall Street Movement That Has Gripped a Nation Consumed by Economic Despair”: JWF
"The Most Insane Job-Interview Tips Ever"... from Duke's Women Law Students Association.: Atlhouse
Rewarding Rotten Ricky Gervais: RWN
‘They Stole Our Land’ vs. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem: FPMTurkey, Israel clash over gas drilling: DefenceGreece
Christians in imminent danger across the world are refused refugee status (not so much for Muslims): JihadWatch
Twilight of the Eurocrats : Hannan
European banks' asset sales face disastrous failure: IFRe
UK Banks Brace for Eurozone Break-Up; Eurogeddon and the Death of a Currency: Mish
Carrier IQ apologizes, drops threat to security researcher: CNetAT&T braces for T-Mobile deal collapse: Reuters
Stolen certs an issue for Malaysia, a security reminder for all of us: Symantec
Los Angeles OWSers Make Video Addressing President Obama: SpewA flight on a B-17: Boing Boing
The Presidency I Always, Always Wanted: Dossier
Image: Maktoob
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: "Indeed, it should be obvious at this point that the main inhibitors to the building of any large project whatsoever are regulatory overreach and complexity and the exploitation of the legal and regulatory environment by precisely the kind of activists that Obama the community organizer has spent much of his life encouraging. Obama’s complaints about us not building things resemble the plea of the defendant who killed both of his parents and then asked for mercy because he was an orphan." --Chicago Boyz
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