That kind of tough talk really showed the Mullahs, eh?
In related news, I believe I've come up with an excellent proxy for the level of economic distress felt around the world thanks to our feckless Democrat leaders. I call it O-FAIL, which stands for the Obama Financial Anxiety Index Level™.
O-FAIL takes all of the world's instability, hysteria, deficit spending, money printing, fears of energy disruption, terrorism and war -- and encapsulates them into a single, easy-to-understand number.
The higher O-FAIL gets, the worse things are around the world. Check out the O-FAIL index. You can see that over the past couple of years, immediately after the election of Barack Obama, it began going parabolic.

The last time it was this high, in inflation-adjusted terms, one James Earl Carter was President.
Carter's second term -- confirmed.
Update: SCOAMF's Gallup Job Approval Falls Below Carter's!
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