
Destination Iowa: The Intersection of Preparation and Opportunity: RSM
The Romney Electability Myth: Wolf
Circling the Drain: R.I.P., Democrat Party (1828-2012): CFP
Romney’s flatline: Behind the Gingrich surge: Podhoretz
Bachmann Endorses Harrington to Defeat Wasserman-Schultz: Shark
Three Charts Which Say There's No Recovery: Virtuous RepublicGun Sales Huge on Black Friday: Surber
Stern Idiocy: AmSpec
"Somebody needs to pay for all my children": ProWis
Donald Berwick's Replacement Has a Troubling Past: AmSpec
Choking on Obamacare: Will
Top 10 Barney Frank Offenses: HE
A slow bank run is already taking place in Europe: Economist
Occupy SF Launches Its Own... Bank?: Zombie
Gunrunner & Energygate
Friday’s Fast & Furious Fallout: Fatal Falsehoods From Feds?: LaneObama’s Global Godfather dragged in with the CH2M Hill scandal tide?: CFP
Solyndra saw staff "mutiny" before Obama visit: Reuters
Climate & Energy
Climategate 2.0: A Sequel As Ugly As The Original: GWPFClimategate 2.0 Roundup: Ace
Suppression of climate debate is a disaster for science: Wente
GM Admits Volt is a Dud, Sales Will Be 30% Below Estimate: VS
Team ugliness – a call to get a skeptic's PhD thesis revoked: Watts
Berg Says He Doesn’t Trust The EPA’s Assurances On Fracking: SAB
Caught on Video: Democratic Congresswoman Does Crossword Puzzle on House Floor: BlazeWhite House needs to come clean on Elena Kagan and the Affordable Care Act: WaPo (Lamar Smith)
High School Student Fights Bachmann on Gay Marriage Stance at Town Hall Meeting: Blaze
Shedding a bit of light on the current political continuum: ProWis
I Hope You're Prepared, Really: Denninger
Newtspeak Deconstructed: Pundette
The Men from La Washington: Constitution Alley
Politico on Solyndra: Take Your Pick!: WaPo
Herman Cain: 'I Am Suspending My Presidential Campaign;" Will Endorse Candidate Who Is Not Obama: CNS
Can Israel Survive A Second Obama Term?: Legal InsurrectionEgypt's Descent: Steyn
SecDef Panetta shows how the Obama Administration is Selling Out Israel…and US Interests: BRubin
The Rise of the Fifth Reich?: Mead
Obama Fundraiser and Ambassador Blames Israel for Anti-Semitism: WS
China’s Carrier Seen From an Airliner: DefTech
The Next WikiLeaks Bombshells?: RWN
U.S. Must Understand 21st-Century Combat: Allen West
Before and After Photos of Iran’s Destroyed Missile Base: DefTech
Carrier IQ Unfairly Targeted, Researchers Say: TPMSilicon Valley's Incubator Glut Is Real: AtlWire
Nasdaq's Lax Security Made Exchange an Easy Target for Hackers: Wall Street and Tech
Fast, Furious and FUBAR: MOTUSMore Military Dogs Show Signs of Combat Stress: NYT
Criminally Reckless: C&S
Image: DragonLaffs
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help protein wisdom celebrate a DECADE OF FO-SHIZZLE
QOTD: In a 2008 campaign speech, our Dear Ruler proclaimed: “I'll make our government open and transparent so that anyone can ensure that our business is the people's business. No more secrecy. That is a commitment that I make to you as president.”
...this shouldn’t come as a shock, based on the history of the Obama administration thus far. Did you know that the federal government’s 35 largest agencies actually decreased the number of fulfilled FOIA requests by more than 12,400?
How’s this for irony: “The Obama administration censored 194 pages of internal e-mails about its Open Government Directive,” according to the Associated Press." --Neal Boortz
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