My friend, when you're above the law, when you are the law, the phrase about ends justifying means has a real meaning. Put yourself in their place. If you felt that the state which you worshipped above your God was endangered by the life of one insignificant man, would you hesitate to have him shot? I can tell you that you wouldn't.
That's the danger of Fascism, of state-worship.
It supposes an absolute, an ego-centric unit. The idea of the state is not rooted in the masses, it is not of the people. It is an abstract, a God-idea, a psychic dung-hill raised to shore up an economic system that is no longer safe. When you're on the top of that sort of dung-hill, it doesn't matter whether the ends in reality are good or bad. The fact that they are your ends makes them good--for you.
Isn't that an apt phrase to describe today's radicalized Democrat Party and its sycophants in legacy media?
They are state-worshipers. Government can do no wrong, despite copious amounts of history, facts, logic, reason and common sense that would say otherwise.
Their religion is the state. And, for them, the ends always justify the means.
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