Obama Coordinating With Left-Wing Groups on Vote Fraud?: PowerSupreme Court Takes Up Arizona Immigration Law: Cato
S.F. puts the “X” back in Xmas, Naked Santas Edition: Zombie
Romney’s Record on Judicial and Legal Appointments: Awful: Contrada
Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz Running Scared?: Shark
Gingrich Blasts It Out of Park!: Simon
Gridlock to the Rescue: Sowell
President Obama opines on his achievements: WZ
IN Democrat Chairman resigns over widespread vote fraud: FireAndrea
Obama Redraws the Laffer Curve: RicochetObama’s Math Works Only in BizzaroEcon World: Hayek
Voters Favor Obamacare Repeal By Massive 20% Margin: WZ
Labor board's Boeing 'retreat' is big win for union bosses: Exam
The U.S. Federal Budget Infographic: CBO
Debunking Depression Myths: CFP
Harry Reid: Millionaire Job Creators are Like Unicorns: Malkin
Wasserman Schultz: unemployment has not gone up under Obama: Toldjah
'Obama sees Democracy as stumbling-block to his greatness': Breitbart
Climate & Energy
Enviromental Scientist Caught On Video Faking Data: WizbangCanada exits Kyoto, stage right: Bayonet
Why the Chevy Volt Is Such a Scandal: DailyFinance
"But so far as liberalism goes, this is a pretty devastating graph": AcePoor Journalism 101: BS-Bias-Detector Goes Off: BaconTime
Barack Obama, Tax-Cutter: PJM
Glenn Beck jumps the shark, along with Michael Weiner: Nice Deb
Republicans See Gingrich As Man With The Plan: IBD
My Video At Heart of Controversy in Florida House Race: Publius
ABC World News Continues To Ignore Fast And Furious: BigJourn
It’s A Brave New World Out There: Gun Values Board
Stealth Jihad in the Senate: Gaffney
Republican Triumphs and Democrat Lies: Diogenes
Obama’s strange, revisionist history on ‘60 Minutes’: Peth
Evolution of a JournOlist: Politico’s Ben Smith Jumps to BuzzFeed: BigJourn
Iran is conducting anti-U.S. operations in Latin America: FoundryIsraeli officials: Obama too soft on Iran: ynet
The Mexican Cartel's Hi-Tech Drug Tunnels: Slashdot
Whose photo op do you think this is?: IBD
MPAA Head Chris Dodd on Online Censorship Bill: China's the Model: WS
Eurocrash Update #2: Power Line
Was Russia Behind Stuxnet?: The DiplomatWhy even 4 hours of sleep is enough: Hindustan Times
Google and Facebook battle US anti-piracy laws: Telegraph
Tim Tebow Makes Believers: EIBFunny Ad Sells Guns As If They're Neglected Puppies Who Just Need The Right Owner To Love Them: Ace
Awesomest Parallel-Parking Job Ever: Marfdrat
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Eric Holder is Coming to Texas Today! Join the Counter-Rally
QOTD: "Given that Merkozy cannot bring themselves to accept that Europe's debacle stems from the euro itself, from a 30pc currency misalignment between from North and South, and from an over-leveraged €23 trillion banking bubble that German, French, Dutch, Belgian regulators allowed to happen… given that, yes, I suppose they have to find a scapegoat.
They have to whip up a witchhunt against somebody, so why not Anglo-Saxon bankers? Nasty reflexes are at work. German and French politicians in particular should be very careful about inciting populist hatred against a group that makes such easy prey. We have been there before." --Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
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