
Pelosi Dismisses Catholic Bishops as ‘Lobbyists’: CNS
Romney Campaign Unprepared For Gingrich; Still Fretting Perry: Ace
A Weak Defense of an Illegal Fix to an ObamaCare Glitch: Cato
GOP 2012 Analysis: Why Newt’s Likely To Win: RWN
Herman Cain News Roundup: Nice Deb
How the NLRB Helped the Unions Shakedown Boeing: ExamAngriest Democrat in Congress pretty angry at Obama: Hot Air
Andy Stern's Demented Vision for America: WSJ
Crony Capitalists Occupy DC: NRO
Thanks, Obamacare: Get Ready for "Targeted Dumping" of Coverage: Hall
Fannie, Freddie Spend $640,000 on Conference: WSJ
GM Channel Stuffing Surges To All Time Record: ZH
Labor Secretary: Unemployment Payments Decrease Unemployment: Malkin
Average Foreclosure Time Sets New Record: CNBC
Gunrunner & Energygate
Another Obama bundler benefits from DOE loan: ExamFBI Criminal Informant Complicit in Brian Terry’s Death (PJM Exclusive): Owens
Judicial Watch Sues Obama Administration to Obtain Solyndra Records: JW
Climate & Energy
Government Motors Offers To Buy Back All Chevy Volts: WZU.N. Agency That Deals With ‘Green Energy’ and ‘Green Industry’ Loses Another Major Funder: CNS
Fun Fact of The Day: Obama Averaging One Fundraiser Every Five Days In 2011: WZ
What’s missing from the Top Tweets of 2011 list?: MalkinChris Matthews Even More Unhinged Than Usual -- Breaks Media Bias Meter In Process: Ace
Gingrich Instructs Team Not to Blast Fellow Candidates After Word Romney About To Attack: WZ
Dead Movement Walking: Top Six Signs the Left And Mainstream Media Have Hung Occupy Out to Dry: BigGovt
Obama: My Daughters Are “Going To Be Successful Even If America As a Whole Is Not”: WZ
New Gun Company Advertisement Compares Obama to Hitler, Stalin: CBS Washington
Michelle Antoinette slips out of WH to dine on swordfish sliders and 'edible chocolate sculpture': Exam
Christie Blows Any Chance for National Political Ambitions: War On Guns
Kermit The Frog On CNN “Newt Is From The Swamp”: Glob
Obama Lost Egypt?: AceArab Spring: Islamists Make Huge Gains in Egyptian Elections, Begin the Slaughter of Coptic Christians: GWP
'Perhaps it's the hand of God?': Cold Fury
Guadalajara Body Dump Heralds Spread of Massacres in Mexico: Borderland Beat
Tijuana Drug Tunnel Linked Mexico to US: Borderland Beat
RJC Bars Ron Paul From Presidential Debate, Saying He's Too "misguided and extreme": Reason
Air Force Extends Secret Space Plane’s Mysterious Mission: Wired
Pentagon Preps Afghans for Trillion-Dollar Treasure Hunt: Wired
Jailed Afghan rape victim freed but 'to marry attacker' : BBC
Mini-Nukes, Flying ‘Terminators,’ and 8 More Air Weapons That Will Blow You Away: WiredResearcher’s Video Shows Secret Software on Millions of Phones Logging Everything: Wired
Carrier IQ tracking iPhone customers too, hacker says: CNet
Target Probably Has Everything You Need: AceMiniatur-Wunderland: World’s Largest Model Railroad is 1,300 Square Meters of Amazing: Marfdrat
Miley Cyrus, Occupier Poster Girl: Malkin
Image: Michelle Obama's Mirror (MOTUS)
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Senate Conservatives Fund
QOTD: 'Most people say, "Where there's smoke, there's fire." I say, "Where there's smoke around a conservative, there are journalists furiously rubbing two sticks together."' --Ann Coulter
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