
The Ethics of Eric Holder: AT
Bye, Bye Barney: Ace
The Welfare State's Day of Reckoning Is Here: Samuelson
Jess Jackson Jr. Document Dump: Malkin
Perry Suggests Term Limits for Supreme Court Justices: GWP
But Let's Not Profile!: Driscoll
Why I’m Endorsing Newt Gingrich: Hawkins
Obama writing off Pennsylvania?: PittLive
What Needs to Be Done to Fix Detroit: MishHow the Left is Sucking the Life out of the Private Economy: AT
Congress Tees Up Year-End Spending Spree: Fox
California ‘The Big State that Can't' (or won't): Greenhut
Shock waves from MF Global collapse felt on farms: Yahoo!
Feel Stupid Yet, Occupiers?: iOTW
Obama to Travel to a Red State!: Dossier
We Need Employment Benefits, Not Another Permanent Welfare Program: RS
Contagion Catastrophe: NatlJrnl
Gunrunner & Energygate
White House denies reports Obama knew of ‘Fast and Furious’ in 2010: DCGunwalker: Justice Dept. Violated US Laws Beyond Those Being Investigated: PJM
Fast and Furious denials found to be false: UPI
New York Times Spins Fast And Furious Document Dump In Favor Of DOJ: BigJourn
‘Fast and Furious’ Not Holder’s First Controversy Involving the Murder of an American Citizen: BigGovt
General Motors buying back Chevy Volts: WDAY
Climate & Energy
Whether It Is Warming or Climate Change, It Cannot be the CO2.: Dr. Tim BallHouse says EPA rule costs 186k jobs per year: Exam
Missing You: Remy
The Chicago Tribune Reveals the Democrat 2012 Pitch to Independents: Cary‘Exhausted From Grueling Fundraising Trips, POTUS to Vacation for 17 Days’: Driscoll
Hot Air Presidential Survey Results: Greenroom
Trump-ed up: You won’t believe what Eason Jordan’s up to now: Malkin
‘Why isn’t Brian Williams Telling Me This?’: Driscoll
Former Union Chief Andy Stern Praises Crony Communism: IBD
Chelsea Clinton's Baggage. No, Not Them.: AT
In Defense of a Democrat: RS
Newt Keeps Pitching the America of His Imagination: Barone
Obama's Ambassador To Belgium: Muslim Antisemitism Is Israel's Fault: CommentaryClinton criticism sparks Israeli anger: Al Arabiya
Iranian Regime Claims It Shot Down US RQ-170 Drone: GWP
Obama’s Middle East Policy: A Unified Field Theory: BRubin
I Like These Guys: Productive Class Revolt
Khmer Rouge leader at Cambodian trial says they were not 'bad people' : Telegraph
Has the War with Iran Already Begun?: NatlJrnl
Did Iran Capture a U.S. Stealth Drone Intact?: Wired
Wahabbi Muslim turned Christian exposes Koran: Creeping
Mystery company buying up U.S. gun manufacturers: SFgateApple iOS is safer than Android, McAfee says: CNet
EFF asks US Copyright Office to exempt jailbreaking from DMCA: Sophos
Slip n' Slide: iOTWThis Week in Automotivators: RWN
A Look Back At Paulina Gretzky’s Racy Twitter Account, Which Was Shut Down This Weekend: Sportsgrid
Image: Astonishing accident involving eight Ferraris 'world's most expensive car crash' (via TAB)
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Help Halt the NLRB’s Assault On America’s Union-Free Workplace
QOTD: "Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.
This is known as 'bad luck.'" --R.A. Heinlein
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