Romney Chickens Out On Ohio Public Union Ballot Question: AceNo Photos, Please, of Obama’s L.A. Fundraisers: Dossier
DOJ Proposes Lying, Hiding Info From FOIA Requests: STACLU
Obama Spokesman: Ignore Constitution, Act Like Dictator: WZ
Battleground: Ohio; Update: Romney waffles: Malkin
Time to Cut Off NPR: Bozell
Jeb's lame ultimatum: Are you with the sane GOP or Not?: Riehl
Joe Biden, Beltway Bubble Boy: Malkin
Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss: USN&WR
Ryan declares war on Obama’s class-warfare: PethokoukisCalifornia's Economic Suicide: IBD
Work One Day, Qualify for IL Pension of Over $100K/Year: AllAm
It's Not Class Warfare, It's Math: Ace
The global debt apocalypse approaches: WklyStd
Inflation Up Globally: Sinclair
Rioting in downtown Oakland as Occupiers clash with police: ZombieIs Occupy Oakland as bad as they say?: Zombie
They're Heeeerrrrrreeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Zilla
Herman Cain tops Mitt Romney in latest CBS/NYT poll: MoneyRunnerActor Orlando Jones: Liberals Need to Kill Sarah Palin: NB
Why Herman Cain Electrifies the Grassroots: Five Voters Speak Out: PJM
Sniveling Biden Still Whining About Jason Mattera Asking Tough Questions; Update: Mattera Responds: JWF
Confirmed: Dirty, Corrupt Congressman Who We Suspected Was Dirty, Corrupt Was In Fact Dirty, Corrupt: Ace
Terrorist Ayers Teaches Revolutionary Theory to Young Leftists at Occupy Chicago: GWP
WaPo Puts a Romney Blogger on the Payroll to Attack Romney’s Opponents: RS
Perry and the Birth Certificate: Well Played, Mainstream Media: Tatler
Networks and Cable Still Mostly Silent on Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protests: NB
Welcome to the Islamist Middle East and It’s Not Going to Be Moderate: BRubinWho Lost the World?: Gaffney
“Whom the gods would destroy, they first render mad”: Western Rifle
Ah, Democracy: Arctic Patriot
Report: Obama’s Muslim Advisers Block Middle Eastern Christians’ Access to the White House: BigPeace
Mexican ID Becomes Valid ID in Sonoma County: NBC Bay Area
Confessions Of An iPhone User Who Recently Switched To Android: InsiderAnonymous threatens Fox News Web site over Occupy coverage: CNet
IBM names Virginia Rometty president and CEO: NetworkWorld
Won’t You Please Consider Sponsoring A Protester, Today?: Morning SpewSave Economy -- Impeach Bush Now!: NB (2008)
State Department Buys $70,000 Worth of Obama’s Memoir To Hand Out As Gifts: WZ
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Herman Cain for President
QOTD: "On the morning of July 23, 1952, the Middle East entered a new era. The Free Officers Movement took over Egypt and there followed more than a half-century of war, anti-Western hysteria, terrorism, repression, social stagnation, and the basic Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse type stuff in the Middle East. That was the Era of Arab Nationalism.
On February 11, or October 23, or November 28, 2011, the Middle East entered a new era. Whether you date it to the fall of Mubarak, the Tunisian election, or the Egyptian election, what do you think is going to happen in the next half-century in the region? This is now — I call it officially — the Era of Revolutionary Islamism." --Barry Rubin
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