Progressive Occupation
American Nazi Party Declares Full Support for #OWS: WZOccupy Boston Ruins Food Bank Fundraiser: RWN
The Occupations: Anarchy Waiting for Crisis: PJM
Adbusters, Soros $$$ and The Confused Kids of #OWS: Nice Deb
OccupyChicago Saturday march pics: Marathon
Democracy in America: Instapundit
Obama Sidesteps Congress Again: NoisyRmJudge Blocks Release of Recusal Emails Kagan Sent WH: CNS
Cain – “I’m Building an Electrified Border Fence”: iOTW
Obama administration fights to keep visitor logs secret: Karl
Six RINOs who need to be primaried: C&S
NY Detective Admits to Planting Coke to Hit Bust Quota: Ace
Critical Thinking on 9-9-9 (And why it could become 8-8-8): PIHow Government Spending Impoverished Us All: ZH
Can Herman Cain Raise 'Romney-esque' Money?: AmSpec
Why Obama Loves Bad News And Occupy Wall Street: Riehl
Illinois Shows that Taxing and Spending Has Consequences: Foundry
Would a 'President Romney' hire Obama’s climate-change guru Holdren?: Hot Air
Gunrunner & Energygate
Hypocrisy and hope, credit and blame in the Gunwalker Scandal -- the long view: SSIMore Excuses From NYT for Lack of ‘Fast and Furious’ Coverage: BigJ
New Documents Highlight Differences in Bush-Era, Obama-Era Gunrunner Investigations: Owens
Who Fact-Checks The Fact-Checkers?: AceWhy Obama Loves Bad News And Occupy Wall Street: Riehl
The New Improved Percent Movement!: Amerikazam
UI: According to the Press: BigJ
Obama Chief of Staff William Daley Insinuates Fox News “Carries Water” For Republicans: WZ
The Trouble With Muslim Democracy: KnishRadical Islam Has Settled into Ireland: Hudson
Royal Navy Ordered To Turn Ship’s Guns So They Don’t Point At Michelle Obama’s Hotel Suite: BigPeace
Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize Decides To Fight Another War In Uganda: RWN
The Most Dangerous Cartel on Earth: Borderland
Copenhagen: Jewish woman attacked by boy who's been told to 'kill all Jews': IIE
How an Omniscient Internet ‘Sextortionist’ Ruined the Lives of Teen Girls: WiredLike iOS 5? Thank a Hacker: Wired
Gang Used 3D Printers for ATM Skimmers: Krebs
A State Dinner for South Korea and a Dog-gone Good One Too!: MOTUSIrving Berlin’s “God Bless America”: Israpundit
Word Game: iOTW
Image: Diogenes
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by:
QOTD: " I ran for President for the same reason many people came to this country in the first place: Because I believe America should be a place where you can always make it if you try; a place where every child, no matter what they look like, where they come from, should have a chance to succeed.
I still believe in that America. . . . That's why I put forward the American Jobs Act. . . .
But apparently, none of this matters to Republicans in the Senate." --Barack Obama
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