Writing & Tapas & Writing About Tapas.
I'm going for tapas & a good catch up on gossssip tonight with my friend & I'm really looking forward to it. Last time we went we had a 50% off discount voucher and so we ordered twice as much - obviously! I'm planning on doing the same tonight, twice as many cocktails and twice as much tapas, what could go wrong? Seeing as the temperature outside is negative i have absolutely no idea what to wear, being practical but looking good is usually quite difficult i find.
This post isn't particularly interesting i realise, but i'm supposed to be writing a 2000 word essay & this is an obvious escape without actually leaving my macbook and feeling too guilty about it.
I'm not actually even supposed to be at home, i was working at Dorin Park - but it got closed at 12:00 because the snow started to get heavier & a lot of the children are from surrounding areas rather than in the city, so they wouldn't have been able to get home easily later on.
Whenever i have work to do, i find it impossible to start until i've made my room "right". I have to clear my desk of make up & clutter, set up my mac on the left, books, pens and papers on the
right, a cup of tea (preferably peppermint, green or camomile if i'm doing an essay) somewhere within easy reaching distance, but not too close incase i get ragey and flap my arms or throw my work (probable). Then i light whichever candle is my favourite that day/week, today it's Lily-flame - BLUSH! It's so nice, i actually love it. Also, my doggy usually comes and lies either on my feet or behind me on my bed - that's where she is today, sprawled out fast asleep, lucky thing. It's a wonder she wants to be anywhere near me to be honest, i accidently spilt my tea on her earlier, she's a lovely girl though - forgave & forgot.Anyway, so i have actually done quite a lot of this essay today, so i'll call this more of a break than an escape, just so that i feel better.
I really enjoy writing on here, but hate writing when i'm meant to - i suppose that's because i have a choice with this.
Right, i'm going to do some more writing (relevant writing that actually matters, i.e. this sodding essay) & make another cuppa. Then, more importantly, i can decide what i'm wearing later & start getting ready!
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